Need to add ST 2110 or IPMX to your products?
Visit us at NAB 2025 at booth SL8707 where we are showcasing the latest Nextera-Adeas IPMX/ST 2110 IP cores and NMOS control software for Altera and AMD FPGAs.
✅ Learn all about IPMX, ST 2110, and NMOS
✅ Evaluate our IP cores through interactive demos
✅ See customer successes at our partner showcase
NAB 2025 Demonstrations:
- Universal IPMX/ST 2110/NMOS Transmitter and Receiver Demo Design
- Supports compressed and uncompressed HD, 4K, 50 Hz, 59.94 Hz
- Leverages the new NMOS IS-11 for Stream Compatibility
- Customer Showcase featuring products built with Nextera-Adeas cores and design services
New IPMX Core Developments:
- IPMX cores are compatible with compact, cost-effective FPGAs such as AMD Zynq 7030 SoCs and Altera Agilex 5 FPGAS
- Fully integrated intoPIX JPEG XS featuring TicoXS FIP
- IPMX with Privacy Encryption Protocol (PEP) – Enables media content privacy based on VSF TR-10-13, adding an extra level of security for IPMX devices
- NMOS IS-11 (available now) – Supports EDID over IP, required for IPMX badging
NAB Featured Presentations:
Join us at the IP showcase theater for educational presentations to learn all about the latest advancements in IPMX and NMOS!
- Sunday, April 6, 3:00 PM – Evolution of NMOS for ST 2110 and IPMX – Spencer Deame, Nextera Video
- Monday, April 7, 10:30 AM – IPMX Deep Dive – Jed Deame, CEO, Nextera Video
To schedule free technical consultation and personalized demo, please contact [email protected] or click the button below.